Emotional Aspects Involved to Infertility

From a long time ago, infertility has affected to thousand of women and men all around the world, even though the technological advance which had found many options solved to this problem, it still remain questions about the emotions that a couple are facing.  In this blog we will talk about them.

Infertility is the disability to get a pregnancy between a period of 12 months of sexual activity without any kind of protection, said World Health Organization. (WHO).  When a couple are diagnosed of infertility, it has been analyzed and its considered then comes out a “VITAL CRISIS”.  The cycle of hope and hopeless comes after many trying without success of a positive result, it may affect on many emotional aspects of people. In the diagnostic time we can considerate emotions as Rejection and Loneliness, to mention one example, rejection can be shown as seeking another doctor´s opinion, same as a runaway reaction.

Experiencing infertility triggers all kind of representations that the couples have about reproduction and parenting. The ideas or believes they may have about what happens will give a way to face it.  Many of them try to find specialized help to achieve their wish to have a baby,  this means, during the resolution of the problem they can take a specialized assisted reproduction support.

To understand the psychological effect of infertility its necessary to consider the meaning that the couple give to parenthood. To desire a child could be for the couple la main idea of the marriage  or their  life project.


When the couple go to a fertility clinic for a specialized treatment they can start with a high expectation and very positive vibe, this means, the couple minimize all kind of fail possibilities and they consider the desired baby will born.

When the treatment reach the waiting phase of results, its very common to see an increase of concern combined with optimism. At the end of this phase, two different situations may occur due the negative result of pregnancy. The couple may experience strong anguish feelings, isolations and deep sadness. And due a positive result of pregnancy start a joyful phase combined with fear  on the success of pregnancy.

All couple may choose for a second try when the first IVF fails or begin an acceptance that pregnancy won´t be possible and consider for other forms of parenthood .

As you can see, infertility may be a traumatic thing for the couple, the most common emotional consequences of infertility are:

  • Psychological problems as anxiety, stress and depress
  • Changes or partner conflict
  • Social isolating, specially when friends are busy on parenting matters.
  • Financial effort to pay the treatments, to this may add the high stress levels.
Currently at Irega clinics has taken the psychological consequences that may occur due this condition, giving comprehensive attention to patients in their treatments, having as part of our staff a PSYCOLOGIST specialized on infertility.

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