Dyslipidemias in Fertility

Did you know that Cholesterol and triglyceride alterations can alter the correct production of your hormones to make this key processes to have good oocyte and sperm quality? independent of gender you can increase cardiovascular risk, which is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Western countries, or Mexico in this case, dyslipidemia being one of the major modifiable factors.

In the 10% of the general population an in the 15% of the statin-treated patients there is persistence of lipid abnormalities.

Now days the  19.5% of the general population have dyslipidemia:

How can we make the diagnostic?

  • First, you need to feel tired
  • Constant dizziness
  • Sperm alterations or poor oocyte quality
  • Alterations in your glucose or insulin levels
  • Headaches for no apparent reason

What would this medicine do?

  • Enhances sex hormone transporter globunins.
  • Improve male sex hormones such as tetosterone and estrogens in women
  • Increases the amount of sperm production and control of your cycle.

Reduce the VLDL-C and LDL-C concentrations

  • Increases C-HDL levels
  • The absorption is intensified
  • Can be taken with or without food
  • Significantly reduces non-HDL-cholesterol, which is a great indicator of atherogenic risk

Improve your quality of life and reproductive health

Visit your trusted human reproduction biologist.

Dr. Bryan A. Oliveros Galeana
Director IREGA Cancún


  1. Tarantino N, Sontoro F, Correslo M, et al. Fenofibrate and Dyslipidemi: Still a Placo in Therapy?. Drugs. 2018; 78(131289-1296, 2. Encuesto Nacional Salud y Nutrición 2018. Presentición de resultador. Gonicado 22 de junio 2021. Diponible en:
    https/lensanutinsp.ma/encuesta/ennu 2018informosphp. 3. Informacion Pare Preseribir Controlip-Duale, 4. Foucher C, Aubonnet P.
  2. Inegi https://www.inegi.org.mx › boletines › especiale

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