Food to reduce Stress and Nourishing

Stress and cortisol levels are highly related, for this we have to understand cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands, which also regulates energy and reduces inflammation, blood pressure and sugar (glucose) in blood. It also helps control your sleep cycles (circadian cycle), increases in the morning to wake up, and decreases at night to go to sleep.

With this, if you are a person who is constantly suffering from stress or anxiety, your adrenal glands will not produce enough hormones to help you. Then fatigue occurs, and you can notice it with insomnia, pain, anxiety, nervousness, and even in some cases depression.

With this information about stress factors, we are going to give some examples of foods that you can introduce into your regular diet, to obtain the natural benefits that they bring us.


Walnuts – They contain polyunsaturated fats which have a vasodilator function, and generate a reduction in blood pressure, omega 3 would be best known for the anti-inflammatory action in the body.

Turkey : Contains “tryptophan”, which helps in the segregation of serotonin, this neurotransmitter is responsible for the feeling of happiness, and in turn is transformed into “melatonin”, which is responsible for achieving deep and restful sleep .

Sunflower Seeds – Contains thiamine that helps convert tryptophan to serotonin, contains zinc, vitamin A, folic acid (B9), and magnesium. All these antioxidants help the production of antibodies to strengthen the immune system, and like magnesium that is involved in the formation of serotonin and muscle relaxation.

Green and black tea – contain an amino acid called L-Theanine, it gives us a relaxing effect and stimulates your attention. Sometimes if it is combined with caffeine, it can have a positive effect on attention in adults, of course it all depends on the person’s state of hydration, rest and health. As we know, if there is no balance, it can have the opposite effect due to excessive stimulation and cause, nausea, irritability in the mood, irritate the stomach and intestine. In reproduction there are studies where they mention that they could improve sperm quality, especially in Teratozoospermia, so there is still a lack of randomized and controlled studies to confirm a certain assertion.

Green Peppers – It has a rich source of vitamin C. The antioxidant best known for its effects in the prevention of respiratory diseases, and acts as an adjuvant in the formation of blood vessels, cartilage, muscles and collagen in the bones. Therefore, in a developing fetus it is essential, as well as for athletes and those who are in a high load of stress, work, and irregular sleep. It will be your best ally, for those long weeks of work.

Kale – It belongs to the broccoli family, it is high in calcium, iron, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin A, all this tells us that it has a high antioxidant power. Vitamin K is involved in the prevention of calcium accumulation, and therefore arteriosclerosis and heart attacks.

Lettuce – Contains potassium, calcium, phosphorous, and magnesium. This means that it has a remineralizing action after dehydration, due to exercise or exposure to heat.

Dark Chocolate – Contains high amounts of Magnesium, improving sleep quality, relaxes muscles and relaxes the heart (Myocardium), since this is a muscle too. When we are deficient in this mineral, we will have irritability and insomnia. The less processed and sugary we have the better benefits. The ideal would be 10g to 15g a day with a balanced diet.

Almonds – Contains Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin E. All of these have a high antioxidant power, and contribute positively to your fertility due to Zinc and vitamin E.

Mushrooms– It is one of the foods that has been cataloged with the highest number of antioxidants. And the best thing is that with heat it doesn’t lose those characteristics. 100g contain 15% of the amount of selenium per day, and this is a mineral that helps us in your fertility.


Allnthe mentioned foods can be part of our daily or weekly diet. They are not difficult to acquire, and can be added to at least 1 dish of our day, as an essential complement to our now modern and demanding lifestyle in time, energy and exhausting in terms of our physical and mental health.

Including them will help us with our fertility goals for both men and women, as we will share the benefits when it comes to sperm and eggs. And so we can achieve a greater probability of success to have a newborn, healthy and alive, at home.

Lic. Ntr. David Mendoza Ortiz

Responsable of the Nutrition Unit at Irega Cancún

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