My Partner doesn´t seem to Mind.

Among people exist so many differences , since physical aspect to the thoughts, emotion and behaviour. Infertility is common disease currently, and this can influence in our couple relationship, our emotions or even change our goals and life projects. But we don’t react all the same way to infertility and the difference are noticed in each couple.

During the psychologist consultation we heard very frequently about this question : why my partner doesn´t seems to mind?

The gender difference could be the cause of the way we respond to infertility, but lets admit that assisted reproduction treatments will affect physically so much more to the woman, generating a biggest effort to her. When couple face a reproductive problem they are involved in a lot of changes, which generates individually emotional discomfort, change of minds, or believes and from  this depends the way to live it and describe it.

Woman tends to express sadness by crying and probably seeking for warm on her beloved, the man in turn can adopt evasive behaviour, seeking for a scape on his work or hanging out with friends, but this doesn´t mean he is less worried about the project than her.  Its just that each one express their feeling in a different way.

Must be considered that this situation is important and even though the different reactions, both of them are going through a hard time of their life. Its relevant to this situation to maintain an open communication between the couple, talk about what we feel will avoid confusion about the reaction they may take and we must respect the manifestations of anguish that each one presents.

Its very important to maintain an assertive communication which will help you to express and comprehend what you both are facing to infertility, also its important to the couple show affection to each other during the assisted reproduction process and infertility.  Affection is a caring, love and friend expression to show to someone we care about. There is an important bond between the couple.  Verbal flatter can be the adequate way to express, you can be nice with your partner, to tell her/him things like “I would love to share with you every moment of my life”… Seems to  be a very easy practice, but it really can generate a change. Try and observe the benefits.

For more tips, come to a psychological consultation in IREGA, and we can help you to improve your relationship.

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