What is a certification?
It is a document where different medical organizations that by means of different evaluation methods, the Medical Specialties Councils approve or certify the specialists who have the knowledge to practice their specialty called the National Normative Committee of Medical Specialties Councils.
Normally the doctor requests it in a mandatory way to be able to practice in certain prestigious institutions, or simply for his patients to know that he is up-to-date and that he meets all the qualities to carry out his position as ethical functions within the labor practice. Currently a mandatory requirement.
¨Remember that the specialists in infertility problems are the Human Reproduction Biologists, keep it in mind for your treatment¨

CONACEM has the nature of an auxiliary body of the Federal Public Administration in order to supervise the knowledge, abilities, skills, aptitudes and qualification of the expertise that is required for the certification and renewal of the validity of the same or recertification, in the different specialties of the medicine that, for the purposes of its object, recognizes the CONACEM.
Article 81 of the General Health Law, is an auxiliary body of the Federal Public Administration, which has as one of its most important attributions that of supervising the training, abilities, skills and qualification of the expertise required for the certification and recertification of the same in the different specialties of the medicine recognized by the Committee and in health institutions officially recognized by the corresponding authorities

The Mexican Council of Gynecology and Obstetrics, AC, certifies the specialty of Gynecology and Obstetrics and its derived specialties:
Maternal Fetal Medicine, Biology of Human Reproduction and Gynecological Urology.
Why is it important to check if my doctor is certified?
To be sure that I am receiving the best quality in medical attention in gynecology and obstetrics or in this case of Biology of human reproduction and also Maternal-Fetal.
- Because my doctor has the most up-to-date knowledge and skills.
- Because to be updated, you must renew your certificate every 5 years.
- Because it proves to be evaluated by the CMGO, an independent, ethical and transparent body.
- Because he is one of the approximately 11,000 doctors who are nationally certified.
So, future patient, you have the power to decide where to attend to and by whom you put your health in their hands.
Schedule an appointment with us!
IREGA Acapulco: (744) 488 1114 – (744) 484 4471
IREGA Cancún: (998) 802 1515 – (998) 802 1516
IREGA Puebla: (222) 225 1091 –(222) 225 1103

Produced by
Dr. Bry’an Adan Oliveros Galeana
Director IREGA Cancún
Jefe del Servicio de Medicina de la Reproducción Humana