Anxiety about being a Mother.

When  a woman wish to be a mother, she can experience  a sort of changes in her emotions and thoughts .

There is a great  impatience and this sometimes leads to a state of anxiety. Especially when we have faced obstacles that distance us from our desire to be mothers, this situation may be  reinforcing by anxious state, a circumstance that is not healthy and also affects on our relationship with our partner, in our daily life, at work or just hanging out with friends. We feel uncomfortable, we fear the future.

In this blog I will explain briefly what anxiety is.

Feeling anxiety is a defensive mechanism, it’s the alert to a situation which we consider threatening, we all present it since it improves our performance and the ability to anticipate or respond to any situation. But in some cases, this alert system can work in an altered way, which brings us health problems and may incapacitate us.

There are factors that make anxiety be abnormal and not healthy as an adaptive mechanism. Its triggered by situations we live and consider worrying, which we consider vital and requiere a significative effort, to find obstacles that distance us and limit from our goals, or recurrent use of drugs or stimulants may be the cause of anxiety.

But how to calm anxiety of being a mother?

  • . First, is very important not to keep your eyes on a single object, look beyond that desire, take care of your self, enjoy with your friends and your couple.
  • . Evaluate; what do you get from anxiety? You feel tired, or suddenly appears a physical discomfort that you can´t describe, lose desire to be with your partner, looking in the mirror can´t find anything positive, not feeling same as before. Thinking about anxiety, help us to see what we lose if we keep it on mind, then think  that is not healthy, and it doesn´t worth , release that weight on your mind.
  • .  Bet on communication with  your partner, a good relationship is based on trust, the power to speak of fears or deeper queries which torment us and we want to release. Your partner can understand you because he loves you.
  • . Talk to your mother, its possible that there´s no one better than her to help you calm your fears, she will understand you.
  • . Practice relaxation techniques when anxiety appears, for example, lie in a comfortable position with one hand on your stomach, relax your body, take a deep breath slowly through your nose, bring  it up slowly to your hand and hold it there for a few seconds, then release the air slowly through the mouth.

If you feel that anxiety doesn´t decrease with this tips its important to consider a professional help.

In IREGA we can help you.

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