My Marriage facing Infertility

When we talk about infertility, we are not just talking about the impossibility of being parents, its important to consider the many damages that most of times appear between the couple. In this time we will talk about couple relationship and infertility.

Consequences of infertility in a marriage go up to generate  divorce in some cases. Infertility modify a couple ´s behavior, alter their  expectations for the future. The respond of a couple could be explain then as a complex interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors, and its important to understand how this factors are corelated.

Its so that damages constitute a real experience that the couple live together and  they must adapt to a new situation, also they develop  coping mechanism and crisis handle.

Many couples go to specialized clinics with the intention to solve their torments, infertility most of times result as a problem and the one who suffer makes as much possible to solve it. The couple may be subject to specialized treatments, which includes medical consultation, invasive lab work, and expensive procedure, etc.  As a consequence of this experience, this could be very stressful for both.  And stress as a consequence of infertility must be attended as a comprehensive care that fertility clinics offer.

Among the most stressful factors that a couple could experience are :

  • . financial, due to the costs of diagnose and treatment procedures.
  • . physical (for example, pain during the process of diagnosis and treatment)
  • . emotional, (for example having impotence feelings and hopelessness at the impossibility to procreate.
  • . behavioral (avoiding social communication)

On the other hand, we can add uncertainty to the results, fear to fail, and the normal implications that keep the couple stable. Also the modification on the sexual pattern, as during the treatment, they must follow medical instructions demanded for the fertility procedure.

The mentioned elements  undoubtedly can modify the couple´s relationship so that increase the aversion and decreased the positive details between them. This reduces the  quality of relationship and  causes more stress.

The psychological care  specialized on infertility cases offers to the couple a necessary skill training that facilitate the emission of adaptative answers to this experience.

If you are facing infertility and has been noticed something similar of what we talked about in your relationship, come to our Psychologist, in IREGA we care and understand, and we are made to HELP YOU.

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