Does my problem has a solution?

Have you ever asked your self. Does my problem has a solution? Most of people are exposed to special situations that require the ability to solve them. I think you already know what we are talking about, and that’s why  this topic try to describe the easiest way  to achieve the resolution of our problems in most of cases. Its important to consider that many people suffer when they don’t have the ability to solve their problems to situations they consider conflictive  or trouble, because in their cognitive and behavioural they didn´t build or practiced this skills.

“Tunnel vision” consist on the disability to focus the attention on something else than the problem and it’s a characteristic of someone who has not the skills to understand his/her own problems and find adequate solutions.

Problem solving training  is a cognitive and behavioral process which helps to put in practice a wide variety of choices of answers against problematic situations, and in turn, increase the skills to select the most efficient way to respond among the possible choices.

Lets mention 5 steps that may help you in different situations of your life.

Step 1. Repeat the next self-affirmation

  • Take a deep breath and calm down.
  • There is no immediate catastrophe
  • Think about the problem as a challenge.
  • I can face it.
  • Stop and think.

Step 2. Make your self the next questions

  • What´s the problem? (stablish the difference between “what it is” and “what it should be”
  • What I want to achieve? (stablish your goals)
  • Why I want to achieve this goal?

Step 3. Search for a solution. Think of a solution followed by other alternative solutions

Step 4. Think on the most important criteria to evaluate possible solutions. (for example, will I achieve my goal?,  how it would affect on others? How long and effort it will take?,  now decide the alternative solution which suits you better and think of 2 or 3 ways to improve the solution.

Step 5. Carry out the solution.

Are you happy with results? If you are  not, try the second alternative solution if you still have time to face the problem.

The steps we just described will help you to generate solutions to your problem, but keep in mind that sometimes we can lose control and we will need professional help. If you feel that your problems exceed your ability to face them or solve them, don’t doubt to come to a Psychological consultation. In IREGA we have an expert Psychologist ready to help you.

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