Most common myths about metitation

The world we live in is increasingly chaotic and it is difficult to stay free of stress or occupations. How many times have you tried to relax or meditate but in the attempt you fail? That is why in this blog we will talk about the most common myths that have developed around meditation and that due to them we are away from its practice.

We have been interested in the author’s description Deepak Chopra and we want to share it with you. As the author explains during the last 40 years, meditation has become established in modern western culture, it has even been the subject of research, generating many controversies that have demonstrated the effectiveness of this practice.

Despite its popularity, myths exist around meditation that create a barrier that discourages many of us to try it and enjoy its benefits. Below I describe just some of the 7 myths that she exposes.

There is an idea that meditation is difficult

This myth is related to the image of meditation as an esoteric practice reserved only for sacred and spiritual men. But in reality meditation manages to be easy and fun, without a doubt a good instructor will teach you the correct way to carry it out. One of the reasons meditation is difficult for us is to consider focusing too much and focusing only on its results.

Shut your mind

This myth can generate frustration and at the same time abandon it. Actually, meditation is not about stopping your thoughts, this only generates stress . The ideal is not to stop thoughts but to decide how much attention we give them. When performing meditation, an object of attention is used, for example: breathing, an image or a mantra. Thoughts will inevitably appear during practice, we need not judge or try to reject them, and instead we can gently bring our attention to the object of attention.

I don’t have time to meditate

Paradoxically, when we meditate regularly, we have more time. Meditation takes us into the field of perception where time and space are lacking. This is how our breathing and heart rate slow down, our blood pressure drops and the body decreases the production of stress hormones.

It takes years to get the benefits

Actually, we can see the benefits immediately and in the long term. Today there are executives, politicians and many people who practice meditation and have not missed a single day of practice. If you make meditation a priority, you will find time to do it.

If you are interested in starting on the path of meditation, consider these recommendations.

  • Don’t have any expectations.
  • Be kind to yourself. Let your mind find its fullness
  • Find a meditation technique that fits you
  • Choose a quiet place, where nobody and nothing interrupts you
  • Concentrate on being there truly, because your mind may be on your next event or your obligations.

If you want to know more, do not hesitate to read about Deepak Chopra and the subject of the 7 myths of meditation. Follow their advice and enter the world of meditation and its benefits.

Lic. Psic. Casandra Díaz Cisneros
Responsable of the Psychologist Unit at Irega Acapulco

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