Obesity one of the main factors in fertility

Foto gratuita una mujer expresiva está posando en la casa.The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as an abnormal or excessive accumulation of fat that can be detrimental to health.

Today, the trend in social networks, so many media are normalizing it and making people believe that it is only elevated adipose tissue, and that it goes beyond the metabolic condition, if not the reproductive health that sometimes short or long term, since hope will decrease.

This fact should not be denied that the fight against misinformation must be fought with a lot of empathy, respect, love, patience, perseverance and with all the possible help with expert professionals in order to find better solutions.

Foto hombre gordo comiendo comida chatarraSpeaking of human reproduction, obese women and men have a higher risk of subfertility, infertility of anovulatory origin compared to those women or men with a body mass index within the parameters established as normal of the same age. Although it has lower quality in oocytes, sperm, decreased response to reproduction treatment, decreased live birth rates, spontaneous abortions, which are accompanied by intestinal and vaginal microbiota that affect the results of success to obtain a live newborn.


Make an appointment for more information and personalized treatment.

(998) 802 1515 – (998) 802 1516

Dr. Bry’an A. Oliveros Galeana
Director IREGA Cancún
Head of the Human Reproductive Medicine Service






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