The importance of accompaniment in assisted reproduction treatments

Have you decided to go to an Assisted Reproduction clinic?

You should know that in most reproduction clinics there is a psychologist who specializes in the subject. Today we will share a little of what a mental health professional does in ART clinics.

Getting to decide on an assisted reproduction treatment involves many aspects, not only the economic or deciding on the best clinic are within the selection process, it always involves much more, that is, there are also our emotions, desires and interests.

The psychology of reproduction plays an important role in the comprehensive care that each clinic in this area provides. The intervention of the psychologist involves consultation, evaluation, counseling and specialized psychotherapeutic treatment.

The role of the psychologist in treatment:

The professional can give advice focused on understanding the process and the treatment to which they will undergo. The most relevant phases will be explained, as well as the psychological aspects that most commonly arise in this context. It will stimulate the increase of coping skills that help the couple or the patient to maintain control of the changes that arise from assisted reproduction treatments.

During treatment:

The psychologist will be able to provide support throughout the process, it is relevant for the professional to provide the patient with knowledge and practice in relaxation techniques, since these

help mitigate the stress and anxiety that assisted reproduction treatments produce. In addition, the psychological evaluation that is carried out explores the cognitive area and in front of the irrational ideas or beliefs that arise, it will help mental health improvement, creating a more realistic and positive perception of the situation they live.

After treatment:

At this time, the patients will have the psychological accompaniment because in the phase prior to its result, it has been noticed that in most couples an increase of emotions appears, especially fear. The professional will give support and suggest some activities focused on improvement and emotional control, in case an emotional imbalance could appear. In the negative results, it will extend the consultation until the grieving process has passed and it will motivate the couple to continuous emotional improvement. Some cases the positive results of pregnancy generate in the patients new worries and fears, and these will have psychological support when required.

The psychological care may vary in each of the assisted reproduction clinics, depends on the demands of the patient and of course, the services it offers.

Specialized care in this area is of the utmost importance in RA treatments. At IREGA we have a team of professionals focused on helping you at all times.


IREGA ACAPULCO: (744) 488 1114 – (744) 484 4471

IREGA CANCÚN: (998) 802 1515 – (998) 802 1516

Lic. Psic. Casandra Díaz Cisneros
Lic. Psic. Casandra Díaz Cisneros Responsable de la Unidad de Psicología

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